What You Should Be Teaching Your Kids About Money: By William Schantz

December 27, 2022

As parents, one of the most important things we can do is to teach our children how to effectively manage their finances. While it may not be a popular subject, helping kids understand personal finance basics can have a lasting impact on their quality of life now and in the future. We must set them up for success by teaching fundamental concepts such as budgeting, spending wisely, borrowing responsibly, investing intelligently, and more. With this blog post by William Schantz as your guide, you'll have all the knowledge you need to help your child learn smart money habits that will stay with them far into adulthood!


Bill Schantz On What You Should Be Teaching Your Kids About Money

1. Money Management Basics: Talk to your kids about the basics of money management, from budgeting and saving to spending and investing. William Schantz also recommends showing them how to track their income, make a plan for expenses, and create short-term and long-term savings goals. Help them understand different types of accounts (like regular savings vs. investment accounts), as well as how interest works on those accounts.


2. Credit Usage & Debt: Discuss the importance of using credit responsibly when it’s appropriate - such as taking out a loan or opening a credit card account - but also emphasize the dangers of relying too heavily on debt or not being able to pay back loans in time. Explain concepts like credit scores, minimum payments, and the risks of carrying too much debt.


3. Earning an Income: Teach your children about different job opportunities, from traditional 9-to-5 jobs to freelancing and entrepreneurship. Talk about the importance of being able to earn an income, budgeting for taxes, and setting aside money for retirement. Explain different types of investments that can help them build their wealth over time as well.


4. Practical Money Skills: Show your kids how to shop around for the best deals on products they need and use coupons when possible. Also demonstrate how they should pay bills on time, manage bank accounts responsibly, and protect their financial information (like credit card numbers). Additionally, introduce them to technology such as mobile banking apps and money management tools that can help them stay organized and make smart decisions with their money.


5. Financial Literacy: Lastly, teach your children the fundamentals of financial literacy. Show them how to read and understand financial statements, discuss different types of investments, and explain concepts such as inflation and diversification. Also, go over the risks associated with investing in stocks or mutual funds, so they're better prepared when it comes time to make those decisions for themselves. Helping your kids develop sound financial habits now will set them up for success in the future. According to William Schantz, with a strong foundation in money management, they'll be able to handle both their day-to-day finances as well as long-term goals like retirement planning with confidence.


William Schantz’s Concluding Thoughts

It is important, as per William Schantz, to start teaching your kids about money as early as possible. By doing so, you can instill good financial habits in them that will serve them well throughout their lives. There are a number of different things you can teach your kids about money, from the basics of earning and saving to more complex concepts like investing and budgeting. No matter what approach you take, the important thing is that you start early and provide them with age-appropriate information. With a solid foundation in personal finance, your kids will be better equipped to navigate the financial challenges they will face as they grow up.

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